Region 19 CYO Basketball Reported Scores per Game
Game Number GameNumberText Level League AWName HTName AWT Score HT Score
9 9 High School Boy 11-12 Holy Trinity/John  Our Lady of Grace  28 F
5 5 High School Boy 11-12 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews Blue 41 68
6 6 High School Boy 11-12 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Andrews White 31 39
15 15 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ephrem Blue St. Ignatius  41 29
19 19 High School Boy 11-12 Our Lady of Grace  St. Andrews White 36 45
20 20 High School Boy 11-12 Holy Trinity/John  St. Andrews Blue 28 60
24 24 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ignatius  St. Michael the Archangel  30 63
34 34 High School Boy 11-12 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ignatius  43 28
48 48 High School Boy 11-12 Holy Trinity/John  St. Michael the Archangel  38 42
43 43 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews White St. Ignatius  59 35
70 70 High School Boy 11-12 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Ephrem Blue 59 33
79 79 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews Blue St. Ignatius  64 26
67 67 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews White St. Bede the Venerable  45 33
95 95 High School Boy 11-12 Our Lady of Grace  Holy Trinity/John  F 24
106 106 High School Boy 11-12 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Michael the Archangel  46 44
117 117 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ephrem Blue Holy Trinity/John  47 32
142 142 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ignatius  Our Lady of Grace  21 65
127 127 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ephrem Blue St. Andrews White 40 49
129 129 High School Boy 11-12 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Andrews Blue 42 82
177 177 High School Boy 11-12 St. Michael the Archangel  Our Lady of Grace  48 51
175 175 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews Blue St. Ephrem Blue 76 32
171 171 High School Boy 11-12 Holy Trinity/John  St. Bede the Venerable  43 55
198 198 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ephrem Blue St. Michael the Archangel  58 48
238 238 High School Boy 11-12 Holy Trinity/John  St. Ignatius  53 28
235 235 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews Blue Our Lady of Grace  50 32
246 246 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ephrem Blue St. Bede the Venerable  40 49
276 276 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews Blue St. Andrews White 35 26
305 305 High School Boy 11-12 St. Bede the Venerable  Our Lady of Grace  43 F
324 324 High School Boy 11-12 Holy Trinity/John  St. Andrews White 50 62
325 325 High School Boy 11-12 Our Lady of Grace  St. Andrews Blue 56 73
334 334 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ignatius  St. Bede the Venerable  37 62
355 355 High School Boy 11-12 Our Lady of Grace  St. Michael the Archangel  F 40
362 362 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ignatius  St. Andrews White 41 63
367 367 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews White Our Lady of Grace  45 F
374 374 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ephrem Blue St. Andrews Blue 28 53
389 389 High School Boy 11-12 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews White 48 56
397 397 High School Boy 11-12 St. Michael the Archangel  Holy Trinity/John  38 33
438 438 High School Boy 11-12 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Bede the Venerable  1 F
449 449 High School Boy 11-12 Holy Trinity/John  St. Ephrem Blue 41 42
458 458 High School Boy 11-12 Our Lady of Grace  St. Ignatius  F 42
486 486 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews Blue Holy Trinity/John  68 48
483 483 High School Boy 11-12 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Ignatius  60 36
504 504 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ignatius  St. Ephrem Blue 1 2
539 539 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews White St. Ephrem Blue 2 1
528 528 High School Boy 11-12 Our Lady of Grace  St. Bede the Venerable  2 1
556 556 High School Boy 11-12 St. Bede the Venerable  Holy Trinity/John  F 2
592 592 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ephrem Blue Our Lady of Grace  34 62
574 574 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews White St. Andrews Blue 51 62
606 606 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ignatius  St. Andrews Blue 18 56
609 609 High School Boy 11-12 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ephrem Blue F 1
619 619 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews White Holy Trinity/John  49 45
630 630 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews Blue St. Michael the Archangel  53 32
669 669 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews White St. Michael the Archangel  58 63
681 681 High School Boy 11-12 Our Lady of Grace  St. Ephrem Blue 80 57
679 679 High School Boy 11-12 St. Andrews Blue St. Bede the Venerable  2 1
690 690 High School Boy 11-12 St. Ignatius  Holy Trinity/John  26 35
14 14 High School Boy 9-10 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ignatius  49 35
7 7 High School Boy 9-10 Our Lady of Grace  St. Andrews White 31 23
8 8 High School Boy 9-10 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Andrews Blue 25 61
16 16 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ephrem Blue St. Andrews White 28 22
21 21 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews Blue Our Lady of Grace  41 39
23 23 High School Boy 9-10 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Michael the Archangel  23 8
47 47 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews Blue St. Michael the Archangel  45 18
73 73 High School Boy 9-10 St. Michael the Archangel  Our Lady of Grace  22 71
61 61 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ephrem Blue St. Andrews Blue 25 40
66 66 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews White St. Bede the Venerable  44 44
105 105 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews White St. Michael the Archangel  2 1
128 128 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ignatius  St. Andrews White 1 2
130 130 High School Boy 9-10 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews Blue 41 37
173 173 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ignatius  St. Ephrem Blue 29 41
170 170 High School Boy 9-10 Our Lady of Grace  St. Bede the Venerable  54 43
165 165 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews Blue St. Andrews White 31 37
197 197 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ignatius  St. Michael the Archangel  17 19
234 234 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ephrem Blue Our Lady of Grace  29 44
239 239 High School Boy 9-10 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Ignatius  48 32
245 245 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ignatius  St. Bede the Venerable  32 50
257 257 High School Boy 9-10 Our Lady of Grace  St. Ephrem Blue 33 14
306 306 High School Boy 9-10 St. Bede the Venerable  Our Lady of Grace  45 42
287 287 High School Boy 9-10 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Andrews White 22 39
313 313 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ephrem Blue St. Ignatius  35 19
342 342 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews White St. Ephrem Blue 57 36
333 333 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews Blue St. Bede the Venerable  45 36
350 350 High School Boy 9-10 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Ignatius  F 1
354 354 High School Boy 9-10 Our Lady of Grace  St. Michael the Archangel  56 22
390 390 High School Boy 9-10 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews Blue 37 41
418 418 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ignatius  Our Lady of Grace  34 55
448 448 High School Boy 9-10 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ephrem Blue 54 31
457 457 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews Blue St. Ignatius  38 36
482 482 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews White St. Ignatius  2 1
503 503 High School Boy 9-10 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Ephrem Blue 28 41
495 495 High School Boy 9-10 St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews White 59 51
496 496 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ignatius  St. Andrews Blue 44 34
527 527 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ephrem Blue St. Bede the Venerable  25 49
552 552 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ephrem Blue St. Andrews White 1 2
553 553 High School Boy 9-10 Our Lady of Grace  St. Andrews Blue 39 42
593 593 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews White Our Lady of Grace  60 54
584 584 High School Boy 9-10 St. Michael the Archangel  St. Bede the Venerable  F 1
608 608 High School Boy 9-10 Our Lady of Grace  St. Ephrem Blue 62 34
607 607 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews White St. Andrews Blue 40 31
629 629 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews Blue St. Michael the Archangel  1 F
668 668 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ephrem Blue St. Michael the Archangel  42 11
656 656 High School Boy 9-10 St. Ignatius  Our Lady of Grace  22 57
680 680 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews Blue St. Ephrem Blue 44 30
684 684 High School Boy 9-10 Our Lady of Grace  St. Ignatius  70 22
677 677 High School Boy 9-10 St. Andrews White St. Bede the Venerable  37 49
10 10 JV Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Ignatius  20 40
2 2 JV Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews  32 34
25 25 JV Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Charles Borromeo  41 6
27 27 JV Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Ephrem  29 44
31 31 JV Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Bede the Venerable  32 43
33 33 JV Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Ephrem  47 33
29 29 JV Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Andrews  2 30
42 42 JV Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Ignatius  8 38
59 59 JV Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Andrews  24 38
109 109 JV Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Charles Borromeo  52 7
111 111 JV Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Bede the Venerable  30 33
141 141 JV Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  Our Lady of Grace  10 42
124 124 JV Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Andrews  31 34
145 145 JV Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ignatius  37 21
163 163 JV Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Andrews  10 34
174 174 JV Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Ephrem  37 39
201 201 JV Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Charles Borromeo  53 14
203 203 JV Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Bede the Venerable  13 31
233 233 JV Boy Region St. Andrews  Our Lady of Grace  46 31
237 237 JV Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ignatius  25 19
259 259 JV Boy Region St. Ignatius  Our Lady of Grace  37 29
256 256 JV Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ephrem  25 32
282 282 JV Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Ephrem  4 35
286 286 JV Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews  20 28
312 312 JV Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Ignatius  43 27
344 344 JV Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  Our Lady of Grace  12 35
341 341 JV Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ephrem  28 25
364 364 JV Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Charles Borromeo  40 14
358 358 JV Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Andrews  19 27
391 391 JV Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Bede the Venerable  9 26
388 388 JV Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Andrews  29 35
417 417 JV Boy Region St. Ignatius  Our Lady of Grace  27 22
452 452 JV Boy Region St. Ephrem  Our Lady of Grace  47 25
465 465 JV Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Charles Borromeo  35 15
478 478 JV Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Bede the Venerable  26 36
480 480 JV Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Ephrem  26 18
506 506 JV Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  Our Lady of Grace  55 25
510 510 JV Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Ignatius  21 25
542 542 JV Boy Region St. Andrews  Our Lady of Grace  41 35
559 559 JV Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Charles Borromeo  34 3
564 564 JV Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Charles Borromeo  36 9
569 569 JV Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Bede the Venerable  49 52
597 597 JV Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Ignatius  33 35
631 631 JV Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Charles Borromeo  25 4
638 638 JV Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Bede the Venerable  41 22
1 1 JV Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews  21 10
12 12 JV Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Ignatius  8 24
17 17 JV Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Ephrem  10 24
35 35 JV Girl Region St. Mark  St. Andrews  4 28
37 37 JV Girl Region St. Ephrem  St. Bede the Venerable  12 23
57 57 JV Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Andrews  6 27
77 77 JV Girl Region St. Mark  St. Ignatius  2 29
88 88 JV Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Mark  26 2
86 86 JV Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Ephrem  4 16
94 94 JV Girl Region Holy Family Regional  Holy Trinity/John  6 14
116 116 JV Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  Holy Trinity/John  32 17
153 153 JV Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Mark  14 8
125 125 JV Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Andrews  16 21
137 137 JV Girl Region St. Ignatius  St. Bede the Venerable  13 7
183 183 JV Girl Region St. Andrews  St. Ignatius  10 21
212 212 JV Girl Region St. Andrews  Holy Trinity/John  22 23
229 229 JV Girl Region St. Andrews  St. Ephrem  7 27
222 222 JV Girl Region St. Mark  St. Bede the Venerable  10 33
248 248 JV Girl Region St. Ephrem  Holy Family Regional  24 11
265 265 JV Girl Region St. Andrews  St. Ignatius  12 19
270 270 JV Girl Region St. Ephrem  St. Mark  30 7
280 280 JV Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  Holy Family Regional  32 8
295 295 JV Girl Region St. Andrews  Holy Family Regional  9 6
303 303 JV Girl Region St. Ignatius  St. Ephrem  22 16
318 318 JV Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Mark  21 17
349 349 JV Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ignatius  14 21
352 352 JV Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ephrem  23 13
366 366 JV Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews  11 9
368 368 JV Girl Region St. Ignatius  St. Mark  32 10
376 376 JV Girl Region St. Ephrem  Holy Family Regional  28 6
396 396 JV Girl Region St. Mark  Holy Trinity/John  7 8
426 426 JV Girl Region St. Andrews  St. Mark  35 17
411 411 JV Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Bede the Venerable  10 21
441 441 JV Girl Region St. Ignatius  Holy Family Regional  26 3
485 485 JV Girl Region St. Ignatius  Holy Trinity/John  26 10
502 502 JV Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Ephrem  13 16
514 514 JV Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Mark     
490 490 JV Girl Region St. Ignatius  St. Andrews  17 11
530 530 JV Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  Holy Family Regional  8 7
572 572 JV Girl Region St. Ephrem  Holy Trinity/John  9 14
586 586 JV Girl Region St. Mark  St. Ephrem  12 28
585 585 JV Girl Region St. Andrews  St. Bede the Venerable  10 26
612 612 JV Girl Region St. Ephrem  St. Ignatius  17 21
623 623 JV Girl Region St. Mark  Holy Family Regional  8 12
641 641 JV Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Ignatius  2 26
645 645 JV Girl Region St. Ephrem  St. Andrews  27 13
655 655 JV Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Bede the Venerable  7 26
678 678 JV Girl Region St. Ignatius  St. Bede the Venerable  12 4
688 688 JV Girl Region St. Mark  Holy Trinity/John  5 15
11 11 Varsity Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Ignatius  9 43
3 3 Varsity Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews  41 46
22 22 Varsity Boy Region Holy Family Regional  St. Michael the Archangel  17 20
26 26 Varsity Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Charles Borromeo  15 30
28 28 Varsity Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Ephrem  47 32
32 32 Varsity Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Bede the Venerable  33 43
30 30 Varsity Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Andrews  26 49
38 38 Varsity Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ignatius  38 39
46 46 Varsity Boy Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Mark  50 28
71 71 Varsity Boy Region St. Ephrem  Our Lady of Grace  42 11
60 60 Varsity Boy Region St. Michael the Archangel  St. Andrews  23 49
93 93 Varsity Boy Region Holy Family Regional  Holy Trinity/John  35 56
104 104 Varsity Boy Region St. Mark  St. Michael the Archangel  22 33
110 110 Varsity Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Charles Borromeo  36 27
112 112 Varsity Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Bede the Venerable  8 40
114 114 Varsity Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Ephrem  58 48
126 126 Varsity Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Andrews  49 59
156 156 Varsity Boy Region Holy Family Regional  St. Mark  50 40
164 164 Varsity Boy Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Andrews  18 57
196 196 Varsity Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Michael the Archangel  44 23
202 202 Varsity Boy Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Charles Borromeo  29 22
211 211 Varsity Boy Region St. Michael the Archangel  Holy Trinity/John  22 45
204 204 Varsity Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Bede the Venerable  22 20
209 209 Varsity Boy Region St. Mark  St. Ephrem  27 48
208 208 Varsity Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  Holy Family Regional     
232 232 Varsity Boy Region St. Michael the Archangel  Our Lady of Grace     
240 240 Varsity Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Mark  27 34
247 247 Varsity Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  Holy Family Regional  41 23
255 255 Varsity Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Ephrem  13 31
274 274 Varsity Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Andrews  21 59
277 277 Varsity Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Bede the Venerable  32 39
283 283 Varsity Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Ephrem  24 32
296 296 Varsity Boy Region St. Michael the Archangel  Holy Family Regional     
297 297 Varsity Boy Region St. Mark  Holy Family Regional  33 39
345 345 Varsity Boy Region St. Ignatius  Our Lady of Grace  52 12
363 363 Varsity Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Andrews  24 47
365 365 Varsity Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Charles Borromeo  50 40
395 395 Varsity Boy Region St. Ephrem  Holy Trinity/John  36 20
392 392 Varsity Boy Region St. Mark  St. Bede the Venerable  12 43
416 416 Varsity Boy Region Holy Trinity/John  Our Lady of Grace  43 13
419 419 Varsity Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Ignatius  35 46
440 440 Varsity Boy Region St. Andrews  Holy Family Regional  61 18
464 464 Varsity Boy Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Mark  36 41
466 466 Varsity Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Charles Borromeo  54 21
484 484 Varsity Boy Region St. Mark  Holy Trinity/John  35 39
487 487 Varsity Boy Region St. Ignatius  St. Michael the Archangel  55 30
479 479 Varsity Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Bede the Venerable  20 30
481 481 Varsity Boy Region Holy Family Regional  St. Ephrem  21 42
507 507 Varsity Boy Region Holy Family Regional  St. Ignatius  23 49
516 516 Varsity Boy Region St. Michael the Archangel  St. Mark  26 34
537 537 Varsity Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ephrem  33 19
531 531 Varsity Boy Region Holy Trinity/John  Holy Family Regional  49 31
543 543 Varsity Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  Our Lady of Grace  42 19
557 557 Varsity Boy Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Michael the Archangel  43 44
560 560 Varsity Boy Region St. Michael the Archangel  St. Charles Borromeo  36 40
565 565 Varsity Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Charles Borromeo  34 31
570 570 Varsity Boy Region Holy Family Regional  St. Bede the Venerable  26 50
590 590 Varsity Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  Our Lady of Grace  26 12
596 596 Varsity Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Ignatius  41 28
620 620 Varsity Boy Region St. Ignatius  Holy Trinity/John  45 37
628 628 Varsity Boy Region St. Ephrem  St. Michael the Archangel  44 36
640 640 Varsity Boy Region St. Mark  St. Ignatius  33 53
657 657 Varsity Boy Region St. Charles Borromeo  St. Ignatius  40 62
667 667 Varsity Boy Region St. Andrews  St. Mark  47 15
682 682 Varsity Boy Region St. Andrews  Our Lady of Grace  55 16
689 689 Varsity Boy Region St. Bede the Venerable  Holy Trinity/John  43 17
4 4 Varsity Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Andrews  0 2
13 13 Varsity Girl Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Ignatius  41 10
18 18 Varsity Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ephrem  43 23
44 44 Varsity Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Mark  44 16
58 58 Varsity Girl Region St. Ignatius  St. Andrews  9 44
72 72 Varsity Girl Region St. Mark  Our Lady of Grace  15 50
83 83 Varsity Girl Region St. Ephrem  Holy Trinity/John  30 20
85 85 Varsity Girl Region St. Ignatius  St. Ephrem  21 23
99 99 Varsity Girl Region St. Ephrem  St. Mark  34 26
115 115 Varsity Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Ignatius  17 27
140 140 Varsity Girl Region Holy Family Regional  Our Lady of Grace  26 46
154 154 Varsity Girl Region St. Andrews  St. Mark  40 4
138 138 Varsity Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Bede the Venerable  22 44
192 192 Varsity Girl Region Our Lady of Grace  Holy Trinity/John  42 20
210 210 Varsity Girl Region St. Mark  St. Ignatius  11 37
223 223 Varsity Girl Region St. Andrews  St. Bede the Venerable  53 15
253 253 Varsity Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  Holy Family Regional  11 35
273 273 Varsity Girl Region St. Ephrem  St. Andrews  14 39
281 281 Varsity Girl Region St. Ignatius  Holy Family Regional  20 32
302 302 Varsity Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Ephrem  10 28
304 304 Varsity Girl Region St. Andrews  Our Lady of Grace  49 18
293 293 Varsity Girl Region St. Mark  St. Bede the Venerable  12 37
340 340 Varsity Girl Region Our Lady of Grace  Holy Family Regional  49 28
377 377 Varsity Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  Holy Family Regional  36 20
414 414 Varsity Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Ephrem  38 33
427 427 Varsity Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  St. Mark  33 26
412 412 Varsity Girl Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Bede the Venerable  26 31
442 442 Varsity Girl Region St. Mark  Holy Family Regional  10 33
456 456 Varsity Girl Region St. Ephrem  St. Ignatius  F 1
461 461 Varsity Girl Region St. Ephrem  Our Lady of Grace  26 50
515 515 Varsity Girl Region Our Lady of Grace  St. Mark  48 26
511 511 Varsity Girl Region Holy Family Regional  St. Ignatius  27 20
541 541 Varsity Girl Region Holy Trinity/John  Our Lady of Grace  F 1
532 532 Varsity Girl Region St. Ephrem  Holy Family Regional  26 23
549 549 Varsity Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Ignatius  44 18
558 558 Varsity Girl Region St. Bede the Venerable  St. Andrews  7 44
555 555 Varsity Girl Region St. Ignatius  Holy Trinity/John  22 18
587 587 Varsity Girl Region St. Mark  St. Ephrem  17 33
589 589 Varsity Girl Region St. Ignatius  Our Lady of Grace  15 35
621 621 Varsity Girl Region St. Andrews  Holy Trinity/John  19 6
626 626 Varsity Girl Region St. Mark  Holy Trinity/John  9 14
666 666 Varsity Girl Region St. Ignatius  St. Mark  33 14
687 687 Varsity Girl Region Holy Family Regional  Holy Trinity/John  33 13
Updated by Joe Ryan (  
2/9/25 11:09 AM