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Final Soccer Schedules for the Region 19 CYO Parishes.

These are the final version of the Varsity (updated 9/7/23), JV (updated 9/7/23), and Novice (updated 9/7/23) schedules.

These are also the final version (updated 9/7/23) of the Second Grade and Kindergarten-First Grade schedules.

The schedule is to be played as published. "All future requests for schedule alterations must be made to the Rescheduler through the Parish Soccer Coordinator with a valid rationale.

The path can be pasted into the address line of your browser and can be used to down load a copy of the schedule to your own PC.\SoccerSchedules\ Use this link to access multiple versions of the schedule for your viewing and printing pleasure.

League Type Schedule Schedule Miscellaneous
Region and Parish Leagues Master Schedule sorted by Parish and Team Master Schedule in Microsoft Excel format
Region and Parish Leagues Master Schedule sorted by Field Master Schedule in pdf format

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Parish Path Schedule Individual Teams
Holy Family Regional School Holy Family Region School Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\HolyFamily_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf Holy Family Individual Teams
Holy Family St. Mark Holy Family St. Mark Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\HFRMark_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf Holy Family / St. Mark Individual Teams
Holy Trinity/St. John Trinity-John Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\TrinityJohn_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf Trinity-John Individual Teams
Nativity of Our Lord Nativity Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\Nativity_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf Nativity of Our Lord Individual Teams
Our Lady of Grace Grace Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\Grace_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf Our Lady of Grace Individual Teams
Our Lady of Grace/ St Charles OLGCHarles Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\OLGCharles_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf OLG Charles Individual Teams
St. Andrews Andrews Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\Andrews_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf St. Andrew Individual Teams
St. Bede the Venerable Bede Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\Bede_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf St. Bede Individual Teams
St. Ephrem Ephrem Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\Ephrem_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf St. Ephrem Individual Teams
St. Mark Mark Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\Mark_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf St. Mark Individual Teams
St. Michael the Archangel Michael Master Schedule\SoccerSchedules\Michael_rptGameSchedulebyParish.pdf St. Michael Individual Teams